Computer and Internet Use Policy

of the North Tonawanda Library

Computer and Internet resources are an important component of Library service. Use of the Library’s patron access computers and Library provided wi-fi implies understanding of and agreement with the Library’s Computer and Internet Use Policy as well as the Library’s Rules of Conduct. Persons who do not abide by these rules may be prohibited from using computers or other library equipment or services, barred from the Library, and/or prosecuted for illegal activities.

The NTPL strives to balance the rights of users to access of all types of information resources with the rights of users and staff to work in a public setting free from disruptive sounds and visuals. Patrons are reminded the Library’s computer terminals are located in public areas that are shared with library users and staff of all ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities.

  • Library Card holders in good standing (less than $10 in fees/fines) may use computers for up to four hours per day.  The initial two hour session and a two hour extension period.  If there are other patrons waiting to use the public computers, the ability to extend the initial two hour session may be limited.
  • Visitors (individuals residing outside of Niagara, Orleans, or Genesee county) may be allowed one hour of guest access per day.
  • Children (up to the age of 12) are restricted to computers in the Children’s area of the library. Youths between the ages of 12-17 may use the adult access computers if a parent or legal guardian signs a parental consent form.
  • Patrons may not use the library computers or wi-fi for any activity that is patently offensive, intrusive, disruptive, harassing, or creates an intimidating or hostile environment for staff and/or other patrons.
  • NTPL computers are self-serve and staff is not able to provide individual instruction on their use.
  • Downloading and saving to the hard drive is prohibited. The Library is not responsible for any loss of data that may occur.

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